Having Enough Rope

Having Enough Rope

Many years ago, my sister moved into an apartment on the third floor; she asked me to help with the move, which I did. When it came time to move their couch, we were very disappointed to discover—after carrying it up three flights of stairs—that it would not fit through the front door. Upon much consideration, measuring, and good old-fashioned Texas fussin’, the consensus was to move the couch in through the outside balcony where there was a set of French doors. I volunteered to go to the local hardware store and acquire some rope to do the job. I came back with about 300 feet of heavy-duty bright-yellow rope. There was more than enough rope! We had rope laying around for years, and every time we would use it, we would all get a good laugh about how much rope I had bought. It still comes up occasionally today. I enjoy the ribbin’, and I don’t regret getting the rope because it got the job done.

rope job

Do you have enough rope for the job?

In 1 Peter 1:13, Peter wrote, “Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Peter uses a metaphor that is not familiar to us. “Gird up your loins” refers to the act of pulling up one’s tunic, tying a belt around it, and preparing to walk. It means “get ready,” or “prepare.” Christians prepare by putting their faith in Christ and hoping for his return. We cannot have enough faith! Get as much as you can. The world may make fun of you for it, but in the end, you will “get the job done.”


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