Hate The Evil and Love The Good

Hate The Evil and Love The Good  – Amos 5:12-15

As God began to prepare to bring judgment upon the Northern Kingdom of Israel He tried to prepare them through the prophet Amos. He asked them to consider how they could continue to walk in unity with God if they walked out of step with Him (3:3). He knew their wickedness, and from it they could not hide, so he encouraged them to seek good, and not evil, to hate the evil and love the good, so that a favorable judgment might be established (5:12–15). In the midst of this warning comes this grave admonition, “Because I will do this to you, prepare to meet your God, O Israel!”

Whether to embrace good or evil, we choose.

Whether to embrace good or evil, we choose.

To examine our own relationship with God in comparison with Israel’s is both wise and essential.

Consider what God says about their “walk” and ours. Watch a marching band or military company parading in step. It is a thing of beauty and shows unity and precision. If even one of the unit is out of step with the rest it is glaring. Each is also guided by a leader who sets the pace of the march. When the group does not follow the cadence set by the leader there is confusion and disorder. We too are to walk in step with the leader, Jesus Christ our Lord. When even one walks out of step with him it effects the unity of the whole. Paul said to the Corinthians “Did we not walk in the same spirit? Did we not walk in the same steps?” (2 Corinthians 12:18). And to the church at Thessalonica he wrote, “withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition which he received from us…For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner” (2 Thessalonians 3:6, 11).

Consider what God has to say about what they “love” and “hate.” Amos, in speaking the word of the Lord to Israel, accused them of afflicting the righteous, taking bribes, and depriving the poor. They were told to seek good, and not evil. If so the Lord would be with them. They were to hate evil and love good, that the Lord might be gracious. Consider the converse of these two statements. Do we hate what God hates and do we truly love what God loves (Proverbs 6:16–19)? Far too many Christians today are guilty of calling good evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20). Do we love truth and hate false doctrine (Psalm 119:104)? Do we truly hate the sin, but love the sinner? Do we hate even our own lives enough to love, obey, and serve the Lord (Matthew 16:24–26)?

Consider what God says about their worship and its impact on ours. Just because we are doing the things that God says to do does not necessarily imply that God will accept our offerings. If there is sin standing between us and God, or if our heart is not right in offering our worship, praise, and service to Him, then He will not accept it! Judgment is coming…are we prepared?

Be faithful!

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