Guardian Angels : Hebrews 13:2

‘Who are these angels today (Guardian)’ and ‘Are they present now’?

First of all, when this verse is kept in context, it discusses that we are not to neglect our duty of showing hospitality to strangers because (1) God commands us and (2) we might never know who may be influenced to obey God. Showing hospitality means that if one needs help, we help them usually never with money, but with the buying of food, clothes, being friendly, kind, and open to talking or spending time with that stranger.

Secondly, in the first century, there were some individuals who showed hospitality to angels and never knew that they were angels. In Genesis 18:2-10, Abraham showed hospitality when visited by 3 men who were actually angels of the Lord to tell them that they would soon have a child. Also, in Genesis 19:1-3, Lot saw 2 men in the streets where he tried to show hospitality to them who were in fact, angels.

With this said, do we have guardian angels today who watch or protect us? The word guardian is not mentioned in the Scriptures except in such translations as the NIV, NKJ, NLT, NRS, RSV, and the ESV which is always in reference to a servant, leader, or bishop (which is an elder). In Hebrews 13:17 it states, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” Elders in the church watch for the souls in that congregation that the members may continually serve God with a pure heart. In addition to this, is it possible to be tempted and sin? If so, it would be logical to say that if we had guardian angels protecting us, we would be unable to sin and be unable to get hurt. Therefore, if one did have a guardian angel, what purpose would he serve? He could not tell us anything else in regards to the scriptures for they are able to make one perfect (2 Tim 3:16, 17). He could not get us out of trouble or to keep one from sinning because it would eliminate our free will. He could not comfort us because it would eliminate God, prayer and the scriptures. (Rom. 15:4) Therefore, it can be concluded that we have no reason to believe that angels travel about the country in human form today, testing God’s people about their hospitality or bringing protection to individual’s lives, but in the miraculous age of the first century, it might have been possible.

But what about those who say that angels “Watch over me” or when we feel protected by something that some will say, “ Well that’s my guardian angel ”? If one truly believes this, then they would be giving praise to an angel and not to God who created that angel. Furthermore, God watches over us, hears our prayers, has given us his word, and he tells us to watch for our own selves to not be deceived by corruption and sin. Furthermore, he tells how to overcome sin and all of this is done without a guardian angel. Therefore, what would a guardian angel do? Just sit and drink coffee with us? If so, like those in the past, we would never know who was and who was not a guardian angel.

But what about ministering spirits? In Hebrews 1:14 it says in regards to angels, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” When this verse is kept in context, it tells that Christ is superior to the prophets, angels, Moses, Joshua, and to Aaron. For, this was said to Jewish Christians then to dissuade them from departing the system of faith and going back to the Mosaical law and the Aaronic priesthood because they were far inferior to Christ. However, angels are ministering spirits, but it is clearly in the realm of providence. How they work in the realm of providence is not revealed to mankind in the scriptures and the Hebrew writer of 1:14 shows that we are not to be enticed by angels and the work they do, but rather, to show that Jesus Christ is superior to them in every way. For, Angels are servants of God who do not serve the world, but are servants for the sake of ministering to Christianity and serving His will.

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