Great Victory

Great Victory

When the Second World War was won, several newspapers printed this one word at the top of the front page in big bold letters. There were numerous celebrations, parties, and festivities acclaiming the end of this great conflict. What would have happened had individuals moped around looking depressed and upset at such news? Some might have asked, “Haven’t you heard about the great victory? We’ve won! It’s over! No more war!” At seeing some despondent, some might ask, “Whose side were you on, anyway?”Great Victory

Sometimes I wonder if Christians sometimes get confused about Christ’s victory. By the way some mope around, they may think that the battle is still undecided and can go either way. Perhaps they are watching the morning or evening news too much and have confused our political battles with Christ’s victory. Brethren, these things ought not to be! When I read Revelation 19 and the great rejoicing that takes place in that chapter because of Christ’s victory, what do the latest political victories or failures matter? They are just vapors that appear for a little time and then vanish, but Christ Jesus is forever. His victory is assured, and His triumph has begun! The only question we need to be asking ourselves is “How am I going to get as many people to go to the celebration party with me.”

The apostle John wrote, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith” (1 John 5:4). Let’s rejoice and be glad knowing that “The Lord God Omnipotent reigns!” (Revelation 19:6).

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