God’s Plan to Intervene in History

God’s Plan to Intervene in History

Last week, we asked the question, “What would this world have been like if God had not intervened?” Noah’s world gives some insight into this when every thought of mankind was continually evil. God did not leave this world without hope and revealed His expectation of holiness through Moses and the prophets. Yet, in spite of this, the world almost totally forgot about Him. Had God’s people listened, the history of mankind could have been so different.

It is by the Power of God, His Word, that man has hope.  Yet, man continually forgets.

It is by the Power of God, His Word, that man has hope. Yet, man continually forgets.

It was God’s plan for the Levites to teach His ways to Israel. When the Promised Land was divided among the Jews, the priestly tribe was not given a portion. Instead, they were scattered throughout Israel in 48 cities. Moses described their work in these words, “They shall teach Jacob Your judgments…” (Deut. 33:10). Read the history of the Jews to see what happened when Israel was not taught God’s word.

It was God’s plan for parents to teach His way to their children. Deuteronomy chapter six showed that God intended for the homes of Israel to be a place where families openly talked about God—when sitting in their houses, when walking outside their homes, every night and every morning.

What happened when the first generation after Moses gave these words failed to do them? The first two chapters of Judges showed that the generation after Joshua was untaught, and the nation left God in one generation! The history of Israel showed what happened when Israel was not taught God’s word.

It was God’s plan for the entire nation to assemble and read the entire Bible together. One of the annual feasts of the Jews was the Feast of Tabernacles. Every seventh year they were commanded to assemble and live in booths made of tree branches and publically read the Bible. This included all the men, all the women and all their little ones (Deut. 33:11-12).

How did this turn out? Nehemiah chapter eight reveals that for the next 900 years after Joshua this was not done! Read the history of the Jews to see what happened when Israel was not taught God’s word. Imagine what would happen if our nation devoted time to read the Bible publicly together!

It is God’s plan for us to teach His ways to the world. Our holy God did not leave this world without direction, but those most trusted with being part of the plan failed. Having looked at God’s plan for His words to be taught, next week we will take time to specifically look as His plan for you to help Him. The history of the Jews shows what happened when Israel was not taught. There is an amazing parallel in the history of untaught America. Think about it!

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