A God of Truth

What If God Had Lied?

One of the most remarkable aspects of the nature of the Almighty God is one thing which He cannot do! Think of His power to speak the world into existence and it immediately happened. Think of that same power when His voice will roar from heaven and the entire universe will cease to be. Yet there is one thing He cannot do—He cannot lie.

share the truth of god

Share the Truth of God.

Imagine trying to serve a lying God—one whose words just cannot be trusted. We seek to deal with sin, but how do we know He was not lying when He revealed the plan of salvation? We seek to honor Him by worshiping every week with the five avenues of worship He gave to us, yet how do we know if He was lying when He gave us these things? Imagine trying to honor a lying God who speaks of sin, salvation, prayer, purity, holiness, kindness, peace and providence. He cannot lie (Titus 1:2) and that changes every relationship we have with Him. Our God is a God of truth!

The truthful God has given us the words of truth. On the night of Jesus’ betrayal, He spoke of the Father and truth. While He had been with those apostles for over three years, He had given them part of God’s truth. He said, “I have given to them the words which you have given Me” (John 17:8), but there was more truth which they had to learn. He told those apostles that when He went to the Father, the Father would send the Spirit of truth to the apostles (John 14:16). The Spirit which dwelt in them was to guide these men into all truth (John 16:12-13). The result of that is the Bible. Jesus summed it up best when He said, “Your word is truth” (John 17:17).

The truthful God has given us the words of truth and they are eternal. David said, “The truth of the Lord endures forever” (Psa. 117:2). The word of the Lord is forever fixed in the heavens (Psa. 119:89) and every single precept of God endures forever (Psa. 119:160). God cannot lie; He has given us His words of truth and not one syllable of any word has been lost.

The truthful God wants to write His truth on our souls.  Knowing truth is not just memorizing it. His plan is to take the eternal truth and make it part of our nature. Moses said, after he had given the law, “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart” (Deut. 6:6). Most Jews felt that if they  know every detail of the law (and even some that were not there), God was pleased with them. There is a vast difference in knowing the law and knowing the Lawgiver. There is a difference in knowing about the Lord and knowing the Lord.

God help us to take His eternal truth from the One who cannot lie and love the truth, hide it in our heart and walk in His truth.

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