God of all Blessings

God of all blessings

For a basic understanding of the letter to the church at Ephesus one can simply divide the book in half:

The book of Ephesians enumerates many of the blessings from God.

The book of Ephesians enumerates many of the blessings from God.

In the first three chapters consider what God has done for you. He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings (1:3); predestined us (1:5); made us acceptable, redeemed, and forgiven (1:6–7); made known to us the mystery of his will (1:9); gave us an inheritance (1:11); made us alive from the dead (2:1); gave us a place to sit with Christ (2:6); brought us near to Him by the blood of Christ (2:13); made us citizens of His kingdom (2:19); and gave us knowledge through the writ-ten, inspired word (3:4).

In chapters four through six Paul then enumerates what our response to God’s love should be. We should walk worthy of our calling (4:1); keep the unity of the Spirit (4:3); put off the old man and put on the new man (4:22–24); work to give in serving those in need (4:28); be kind (4:32); have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness (5:6–12); be understanding of God’s will and be filled with the Spirit (5:15–18); be thankful and submissive (5:20–21); and conduct ourselves as faithful Christians in every earthly relationship (5:21–6:9).

Finally brethren, be strong and put on the whole armor of God. Considering what God has done for you, how should you respond to Him?

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