God of Abraham

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Is Our God

Moses stood before the burning bush with his feet unshod and God said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob” (Ex. 3:6). He was sending Moses to accomplish His eternal plan for Israel, and Moses needed to be reminded of the nature of God. It was imperative that Moses remember all that God had done with the fathers. The eternal, unchanging God is clearly revealed in those stories. Consider the following about the God of our fathers.

the god of abrahama isaac  jacob is ours

The God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob is ours.

The God of Abraham is One who keeps His promises. God wanted Moses to understand that the One speaking to him from the burning bush was the One who made such amazing promises to Abraham. God told childless Abram that he would be the father of a great nation and that nation would be given a great land. Later the great Savior would come through him (Gen. 17:4; 22:17-18).

The God that we serve speaks of things which do not exist as though they are (Rom. 4:17), and in the nation of Israel we see positive proof than He keeps His promises. “Not a word   failed of any good thing which the LORD had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass” (Josh. 21:45). The God of Abraham is our God and He keeps His promises!

The God of Isaac is the One who provides. The God who talked to Moses wanted him to know that He was also the God of Isaac. Centuries before the burning bush there was that son being sacrificed by his father. Abraham had told Isaac that God would provide the sacrifice and Isaac learned that day that Jehovah is the One who provides. Providence demands that one see situations before they happen and then acts to insure that all which needs to happen becomes reality. God had sent Joseph into Egypt centuries before Moses was born (Gen. 50:20), and God was about to provide deliverance for Israel. The God of Isaac is the God who provides for Israel and for us!

The God of Jacob is the One who changes people. God changed Jacob from the one who “stole” the birthright from Esau and deceived his blind father to receive Esau’s blessing, and then molded Jacob into a humble, righteous man. This same One was changing Moses and by life’s adversity making him a great leader. This is the One who spoke from the bush. Forty years before that day Moses thought he was ready to deliver Israel from Egypt, but he was not (Acts 7:23-25). The God of Jacob is the God who changed Moses and the One who changes us.

He is the One who keeps His promises, who provides and who changes people. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is our God! Aren’t you glad!

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