God and the Judges of Israel

God and the Judges of Israel

It is our plan to begin a study of the Judges of Israel in our Wednesday evening adult Bible class in a couple weeks. In preparing for that study two things come immediately to mind that we would do well to reflect on.

As in the time of the Judges, we must learn of God.

As in the time of the Judges, we must learn of God.

We are always just one generation away from a people that do not know the Lord or what He has done for us (Judges 2:10). Why did the children of Israel not know the Lord or what He had done for them? They hadn’t been taught! Despite the explicit command of God to teach the children (Deuteronomy 6:7). How well are we teaching our children? Why are so many leaving the church? They haven’t been taught!

The cycle (for Israel) begins and shows the nature and character of God: They disobey, they are punished, they cry out, a judge is raised up, they are delivered, there is peace, they disobey, and the cycle starts all over. We are often hard on the children of Israel, but how are we doing in comparison? But God is merciful, gracious, longsuffering, abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, and forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin (Exodus 34:6–7).

Be faithful my friends!

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