God Gave Us Eternal Life…

God Gave Us Eternal Life…

And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

Let us share the good news of eternal life.

Let us share the good news of eternal life.

1 John 5:11-12

Christians, why should we be ashamed of this testimony?  Eternal life is ours, the gift of God freely given!  (Rom. 6:23)  Why should we be ashamed of the gospel?  (Rom. 1:16)  To live forever in peace with God in heaven, when in reality we deserve the opposite (Rom. 6:23; Rev. 21:8; Eph. 2:8; Tit. 2:11).  Our gratitude for this glorious gift should have us shouting his praises from the rooftops!  (1 Pet. 2:9)

So again, why SHOULDN’T we testify of God’s love and grace?  And why be afraid to say that the path to salvation is found in only one place, in one Man (John 14:6)?  Why not tell of our allegiance to Jesus Christ?  In him is life (John 1:4), and one resides in him only through repentance of sins and baptism (Gal. 3:26-27; Rom. 6:1-5).  Want to have the Son of God?  Obey his command found in Mark 16:16.  Obey his commands, period (Luke 6:46; John 14:21-23).

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