God and Facebook

If God Were On Facebook

The popularity of social media can hardly be comprehended. It might shock you to learn that worldwide there are more than 645,000,000 Twitter accounts. Even more amazing is that there are 1,317,000,000 Facebook accounts and that 50% of all Americans check their Facebook account every day. Like so many things, social media can be either good or bad. To help us in being part of the phenomena, let’s take time to consider what it would be like if God had a Facebook account.


What if God used Facebook?

What would He say about finding answers to life’s situation? Sometimes people use Facebook seeking advice about what they should do, and their friends readily give their advice. It is amazing that rarely does anyone look to the Bible to find answers. Wonder what God would say about this?

What would He say about many of the photos which are posted on Facebook? It is remarkable how little thought is given to the spiritual impact pictures have on others. It seems that far too many Christians just do not believe that that those who are guilty of lasciviousness “shall not inherit the kingdom” (Gal. 5:19-21). This word is defined as words or actions designed to produce immorality. Every Christian should take a second look at their posts to see what impact they would have on those who see them. Wonder what God would say about this if He had an account?

What would He say about “OMG”? Jesus said that man will give account for every idle word and be justified or condemned by what he says. Yet, His name is tossed about without any thought. The problem is far greater than just typing three letters which include God’s name. It is a reflection of a heart that has little respect for God.  Wonder what God would say about this if He had an account?

What would He say about reposting things which sometimes are preceded by a statement like, “Ignore the language as you see this.” Some seem to think there is no personal responsibility about what they post from others. They see something and share it with others. Christians must not find pleasure in wrong doing (see Rom. 1:32) and become part of that wrong. Wonder what He would say about “cute” things which are reposted when such actually glorifies sin?

What would He do about defriending you? Who has not defriended others or blocked their message after their posts are repeatedly offensive? Take time to look at what you have posted. Is it possible that God is offended by what we are placing on social media? Would God be happier if He blocked your messages. By the way, He does not have an account, but He reads all of ours!

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