God Challenges Us to Think

God Challenges Us to Think

God gave you a brain—use it! Our world has been changed in so many ways simply because we have used the intelligence we have to look around and see things as they are and then to make changes to improve our circumstances. We have the ability to think, to understand, to comprehend and to change. We are far more than animals, and we are so far above beasts. We have a brain, and God expects us to us it.

Faith is not blind faith. To simply define faith as some emotional feeling which has been passed down from our forefathers and as something we have because it is part of the culture into which we were born is to fail to understand faith in its truest sense. Faith is not based on feelings. Faith is not a leap into the dark. If that is all there is to faith, then faith is foolishness, and our intelligence demands it must be rejected. Faith is built on historical events recorded by those who heard the voice of God give the first written words of an ancient book and recorded not just the words, but the manifestation of the power of the One who spoke those Ten Commandments.

The true God challenges us to not have a blind faith.  The God of that ancient book has challenged men to think. He gave mankind reasoning ability and throughout the years has pleaded with them to think. When mankind ignored Him and began to make gods of wood, stone and precious metal He challenged them. In one paragraph, He rebukes those who failed to think. “Idols are silver and gold, the works of men’s hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak; eyes they have but they do not see; they have ears, but they do not hear; noses they have, but they do not smell; they have hands, but they do not handle; feet they have, but they do not walk; nor do they mutter through their throat” (Psa. 115:4-7). What is God saying? I gave you a brain, use it and I will help you find the living God who speaks, sees, hears, smells, handles and walks among you!

He challenges you to use your brain. We are no longer having to deal with inanimate statues of a god. However, there is still that ancient book which challenges us to think. It claims that God has come in human form and walked among us. Yet, our world has ignored the claim, without ever looking at the evidence. They have not read the one book which gives evidence of the fact that Jesus lived and died and gave proof of His Deity. Faith in Him is not a leap into the dark. It is not an emotional conclusion reached based of feelings. There is the evidence! There are His miracles. There are His eternal words. There is the empty tomb. Look at the evidence. Use the brain He gave us. If Christianity is not reasonable it should be immediately rejected. He challenges you to examine the evidence.

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