Go and Tell the Disciples

Go and Tell the Disciples

The last chapter of the book of Matthew is all about a mission. A mission to tell people the Good News of the resurrected Savior. The two women at the empty tomb of Jesus are told to “go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead” (v. 7). Verse 8 tells us that they ran to tell the disciples and Jesus met them in the way. Jesus then tells them to go and tell his brethren to meet him in Galilee. In contrast the soldiers are compelled to lie about the risen Jesus and what they had seen. Finally, Jesus meets with his disciples and issues the final charge to go and “make disciples” of all nations,” baptizing them,” and to “teach them” to observe all He had commanded.

The Gospel is not a Secret.  Let us Go and Tell.

The Gospel is not a Secret. Let us Go and Tell.

When we go, teach, and do his will, he meets us in the way and never leaves our side. When we go and make disciples they will become the children of God and receive the forgiveness of sins. When we go teaching we encourage a faithful walk that leads to everlasting life. When we go. If we go! Go, my friends, and be faithful!

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