Glorify Jesus!

Glorify Jesus!

The word “glorify” means to praise, honor, or lift up.  The Hebrew word for glorify is “chabad,” which means to be weighty, or heavy.  The idea of “honor” was associated with the word due to the gravity of honorable events. In the New Testament, the word “glorify” is a translation of the Greek word “doxazo,” which meant to hold an opinion, or think of something or someone. The word evolved to mean: to hold a high opinion of another, and thus to elevate or lift up another to a position of honor. The word “glorify” has many specialized meanings involving the status of God, Jesus, or the saints and ultimate honor given to them. For God, this honor is intrinsic to Who He is, and thus He is to be glorified, or praised (Leviticus 10:3, Luke 13:13).  Jesus earned honor by living a sinless life (John 17:1-5). Christians will be changed and glorified by the grace of God through Jesus (Romans 8:30).glorified

Jesus is three-times glorified. First, He is glorified for the fact of His being divine. He is God in the flesh, Immanuel, the incarnate Word, our Creator, Sustainer, and Provider.  For that very reason alone, He is to be glorified. Second, He is glorified for His sinless life and vicarious sacrifice. Peter said in Acts 3:13, “The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers, glorified his servant Jesus, whom you delivered over and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he had decided to release him.” Third, He has also been glorified in His humanity. Paul wrote in Romans 8:17, “and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.”

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