It was decades ago that I entered the computer world.  It was long before Windows and DOS were known. In fact, the first computer I had operated on a system known as CPM. Some might remember the complicated commands of the word processor, WordStar. I mention this to put a “time stamp” on how long the acronym GIGO has been around.

Whenever someone would complain about how “stupid” a computer was in how it responded to the information it was given, they were reminded that the problem was not the computer. GIGO was an acronym for “Garbage In, Garbage Out.” The reason “garbage” was coming out of the computer was because “garbage” was being entered into it.

There is a spiritual application of this same acronym. Jesus described this when He said, “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil” (Luke 6:45).  The same “garbage” that is imputed into our hearts is the “garbage” that comes out into our lives.

What is the source of vulgar speech? Look at the next sentence Luke records that Jesus said.  Jesus said,  “For out of  the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” There it is. What is found in our hearts is manifested in our speech. What is the source of bitterness and evil speech? It originates in the heart. The profanity that comes from the lips comes from a heart that has been feasting on this. The disrespect for the holy name of the God comes from a heart that disrespects God. The same is true of filthy jokes and innuendos that mock that which is holy. It is simply a reflection of the heart of the speaker. Let your mind be entertained by songs, comedians, vulgar rap music, movies and television, and that “garbage” which enters into your heart will come out!

How do I avoid spiritual GIGO? While it is true that we cannot avoid being around ungodliness, we do not have to invite it to take up residence in our hearts. If your closest friends are ungodly, it is because you have made the choice to have them that close. If the vulgarity that is found in the entertainment world is in our hearts, it is because we have allowed ourselves to feed on such “garbage.” The blessed man is one who delights in God’s law and meditates on what He says (Psalm 1:2). We may have to change friends and change what is the most popular music stored on our phones. We may have to reevaluate what TV programs are our most favorite. We have to get rid of the “garbage” that enters into our hearts and comes out in our lives.

The problem with computers is not the computer. It is the operator who enters the info. Think about it. GIGO!

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