Genesis and New Beginnings

Genesis and New Beginnings

When I consider the first few chapters of the book of Genesis I am struck by a couple of profound thoughts I want us to consider as we begin this new year and our chronological reading of the Old Testament.

Refresh, renew, begin once again.

Refresh, renew, begin once again.

First, these first few chapters are about new beginnings. The creation of the world, mankind, and all that exists. The beginning of mankind’s relationship with God. The renewed beginning after God destroys the world with a flood. The new beginning of Abraham’s life and walk with God. How do new beginnings in our lives effect our relationship and walk with Him?

Secondly, consider the patience, love, and righteous judgment of God. He didn’t smite Adam and Eve dead in the Garden of Eden. Yes, they suffered consequences for their sins, but God showed them mercy and grace. Cain was shown forgiveness, mercy, and grace for his sin. God was longsuffering in the days before the flood. How has God’s patience, love, mercy, and grace blessed our lives?

Lastly, consider how our actions may be causing the spirit of God to strive with us. Think if we are trying to make a name for ourselves or if we are working to allow God to make a name for us. We should seriously consider the righteousness of God. He doesn’t want mankind to be “accepting” of sinful lifestyles and behavior. He wants us to do His will and be faithful. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8–9). Be faithful.

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