Fret Not Thyself

Fret Not Thyself

“Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked; For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out.” (Proverbs 24:19-20 KJV)

The English word “fret” means literally, “to wear away.” Figuratively it describes how undue worry and unnecessary care wear away at one’s emotions. Solomon says don’t do this to yourself because of evil men. He also says not to be envious of the wicked. They may have wealth, riches and fame and embody everything that the world considers great. When the righteous struggle and the wicked prosper, remember that there is no heavenly reward for those who prosper in their evil deeds. It is better to be rich in faith, yet poor in this world than to be a rich man who became so by wickedness. Remember also, that the candle of the wicked eventually goes out. The wicked will not have eternal life, their candle may burn bright for a time, but eternal darkness awaits them, so don’t be afraid of them and don’t be envious of their fleeting material wealth and prosperity. Honestly, we need to pity those deluded fools who have traded their immortal soul for a material reward.

Read Psalms 38:1-28

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