Four Words Expose Premillennialism

Four Words Expose Premillennialism

Last week, we noticed how clearly the Bible teaches that it is far more than just being the word of God, it is the words of God. We showed that Jesus said that the words of the Scripture—every letter (jot) and every small marking (tittle)—were more eternal than heaven and earth (Matt. 5:18). He emphatically affirmed that His words would abide, even after heaven and earth passed away (Matt. 24:35).

What is the last day?

What is the last day?

It is remarkable how noticing the words of the Bible help us to not be led astray by doctrines which were almost unknown for 1500 years after the Lord’s death. This doctrine is called premillennialism. It has two major components. The first is that the godly and the ungodly will not be raised at the same time. The second is there will be a thousand years between the resurrection of the believers and the unbelievers. Look at how the study of individual words in Bible passages show us that such ideas cannot be true. Remember that God gave every word of the Bible and has preserved all of them.

The Righteous and the Unrighteous Will Be Raised Together

If the Bible clearly states in words which cannot be misunderstood that at the same time all will be raised, then premillennialism cannot be true. Look at every individual word Jesus spoke about the resurrection. “Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth—those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation” (John 5:28-29). His words which are eternal are so understandable. He is discussing all that are in the grave—this includes every dead person. He affirms that at the same hour all will hear His voice and all will come out of the grave. This is truth and premillennialism is shown to be false by two words—”all” and “same.”

All Men Will Be Judged at the Same Time

Thousands of individuals have failed to see the difference in the expressions “last days” and “last day.” Jesus said two things would occur on the very last day. He promised the righteous, “I will raise him up on the last day” (John 6:44).  He told the wicked, “The word that I have spoken will judgment him in the last day” (John 12:48).

How many days will there be after the last one? If there is one more day after that day, then that first one was not the last day. Premillennialism demands that there will be a thousand years between these two events. A thousand years is 365,000 days. Jesus’ words make it impossible for there to be a millennial age between the resurrection of the righteous and that of the ungodly.  Two words—”last day”—show premillennial cannot be true.  Believe His words—every one of them!

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