Fickle and Unfaithful

Fickle and Unfaithful

“In the second half of the book of Numbers we continue to see the age-old struggle of mankind striving against God’s will. The children of Israel have defeat snatched from the hands of victory as they call on God to deliver their enemy and then turn around and murmur against Him. Balaam has to have a discussion with his donkey in order to hear God and he was a prophet. Balak keeps saying, “Let’s try over here.” “No?” “Let’s try over here…” Is it that hard to hear the Lord and do what He says? We can be hard on these fickle and unfaithful biblical characters, but do we not often act in the same way?
Yet God still cares for and loves His people, and in He begins to make preparation for Israel’s entrance into the Promised Land. God has made provision for us to enter the Promised Land of Heaven.

Do not waver in following God.

Do not waver in following God.

As we close the book God informs Moses that his life will soon end and he is to give some final instructions to the Children of Israel. A couple things stand out to me in this reading. 1) God loves His people and is concerned for their well-being. 2) God is just and righteous and His judgment needs to be enforced. 3) He expects the people to remain pure and free from evil influences. When the family has wicked and divisive influences among them, that defile the body and pollute the land, it must be cleansed (33:55–56; 35:34). God is faithful, be ye faithful!

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