Fast Food

Fast Food Fantasy Fabrications

Did you know that Burger King, Sonic, and Carl’s Jr. are actually all a part of McDonalds? Neither did I, but apparently they are – at least according to some. But before explaining this incredibly well-kept corporate secret, perhaps a few historical facts are in order (Note: the following quotes and much of the information below is taken from Wikipedia and cross-checked with information obtained from other sites.):

McDonalds:In 1937 Patrick McDonald opened an octagonal food stand on route 66 in Monrovia, California, wherein he sold hamburgers for ten cents apiece at the time. In 1940, his two sons, Maurice and Richard (“Mac” and “Dick”) relocated the entire building 40 miles to the east, to West 14th and 1398 North E Streets in San Bernardino, California, where they renamed it “McDonald’s Famous Barbecue” and served over forty barbecued items.

“In October, 1948, after the McDonald brothers realized that most of their profits came from selling hamburgers, they closed down their successful carhop drive-in to establish a streamlined system with a simple menu of just hamburgers, cheeseburgers, French fries, shakes, soft drinks and apple pie. The carhops were eliminated to make McDonalds a self serve operation. Mac and Dick McDonald had taken great care in setting up their kitchen like an assembly line in order to ensure maximum efficiency. The restaurant’s name was again changed, this time to simply “McDonald’s,” and reopened its doors on December 12, 1948.”

In 1954, Ray Kroc visited the restaurant, and believing that it was a worthwhile and money-making project, obtained the rights to franchise them throughout the country, opening his first one in Des Plaines, Illinois, not far from his hometown of Chicago, on April 15, 1955 – which, incidentally, was the day he “incorporated his company as McDonald’s Systems, Inc (which he would later rename McDonald’s Corporation).”




Original Location:

Current Headquarters:


Patrick, Maurice, & Richard McDonald


San Bernardino, CA

Oak Brook, IL.

Carl’s Jr.: In 1941 Carl and Margaret Karcher borrowed $311 (using their car as collateral) to purchase a hot dog cart. Within five years they owned, opened, and operated a restaurant named Carl’s Drive-In Barbecue, in Anaheim, California.

“In 1956, Karcher opened the first two Carl’s Jr. restaurants in Anaheim, California and Brea, California; so named because they were a smaller version of his drive-in restaurant. The restaurant chain was characterized by its fast service, table service a standard feature, and its logo, the bright yellow five-pointed Happy Star… During the 1990’s Karcher and the Board of Directors began clashing over marketing and business practices, including the chain’s attempt at dual branding with such chains as The Green Burrito, which led to Karcher’s ousting as Chief executive Officer in 1993.”

“…Combined with its sibling restaurant chain Hardee’s, Carl’s Jr. is the #5 U.S. fast food chain in size after Subway (33,000+ locations), McDonald’s (32,000+ locations), Burger King (11,500+ locations) and Wendy’s (6,700+ locations).




Original Location:

Current Headquarters:


Patrick, Maurice, & Richard McDonald


San Bernardino, CA

Oak Brook, IL.

Carl’s Jr.

Carl & Margaret Karcher


Anaheim, CA

Carpentaria, CA

Burger King: Based on the immense success of the McDonald’s brothers’ restaurant concept which had begun in earnest in California in 1948, five years later in 1953 in Jacksonville, Florida, Keith J. Kramer and Matthew Burns founded a new company, then known as “Insta-Burger King.” After their fledgling copycat company began to falter in 1959, it was sold to James McLemore and David Edgerton who changed the name to Burger King. After eight years of ownership which included an expansion to over 250 U.S. locations, they sold the company to Pillsbury Corporation in 1967.

Eventually, the company fell into a financial slump. In 1989 the company was sold yet again, this time to a “…British entertainment conglomerate, Grand Metropolitan and its successor, Diageo… Eventually, the institutional neglect of the brand by Diageo damaged the company to the point where major franchises were driven out of business and its total value was significantly decreased. Diageo eventually decided to divest itself of the money-losing chain and put the company up for sale in 2000.

The twenty-first century saw the company return to independence when it was purchased from Diageo by a group of investment firms led by TPG Capital… Despite the successes of the new owners, the effects of the financial crisis of 2007-2010 weakened the company’s financial outlooks while those of its immediate competitor McDonalds grew.”




Original Location:

Current Headquarters:


Patrick, Maurice, & Richard McDonald


San Bernardino, CA.

Oak Brook, IL.

Carl’s Jr.

Carl & Margaret Karcher


Anaheim, CA.

Carpentaria, CA

Burger King

Keith Kramer & Matthew Burns


Jacksonville, Fla.

Miami-Dade County, Fla.

Sonic: Following WWII, Troy N. Smith returned to Seminole, Oklahoma, and after several occupational changes, “In 1953, Smith went in with a business partner to purchase to purchase a five acre parcel of land that had a log house and a walk-up root beer stand, already named the Top Hat. The two men continued with the operation of the root beer stand and converted the log house into a steak restaurant. After realizing that the stand was averaging $700 a week in the sale of root beer, hamburgers and hot dogs, Smith decided to focus on the more profitable root beer stand. He also bought out his business partner.”

After deciding to install speakers in the parking lot and utilizing car-hops to make service more convenient for drive-up customers, his sales immediately tripled. Entrepreneur Charles Woodrow Pappe negotiated with Smith and helped start the first franchise location in Woodward, OK, in 1956, with two more drive-in locations in Enid and Stillwater in 1958. “Upon learning that the Top Hat name was already trademarked, Smith and Pappe changed the name to Sonic in 1959. The new name worked with their existing slogan, “Service with the Speed of Sound.” After the name change, the first Sonic sign was installed at the Stillwater Top Hat drive-in, which is why the Stillwater location is officially considered the first Sonic Drive-In; the original sign can still be seen there.”




Original Location:

Current Headquarters:


Patrick, Maurice, & Richard McDonald


San Bernardino, CA.

Oak Brook, IL.

Carl’s Jr.

Carl & Margaret Karcher


Anaheim, CA.

Carpentaria, CA

Burger King

Keith Kramer & Matthew Burns


Jacksonville, Fla.

Miami-Dade County, Fla.


Troy N. Smith Sr.


Shawnee, OK.

Oklahoma City, OK

Now please notice that all four of the above fast food restaurant chains were started by completely different and unrelated people, in different and distant places, in different years and for different reasons (with at least one apparently designed to simply be somewhat of a “knock-off” or “copycat” simply because the original concept of such a “fast-food” restaurant was seen as a way to make a quick profit by someone else). They also have different corporate headquarters, different uniforms, different logos and locations, and different standard operating procedures, business practices and philosophies.

For just one of a vast myriad of examples that could be cited, while McDonald’s and “copycat” rival Burger King believe in and practice more step-up counter service, Carl’s Junior prominently features more table service, while Sonic neither believes in nor prefers either of those practices, but still features their landmark, trademark, drive-up car-hop style service.

So with all the above facts in hand, how could even the most casual objective observer even begin to believe – let alone consider claiming – that they (and all of the other unnamed-in-this-study fast food restaurant chains) are all actually and in reality, really just all part of some huge, one and the same company? Let’s face it, they couldn’t. Look; even those who just list these different companies’ worth, number of locations, and etc, list them individually (see above)! Even they understand that these are competitors in the fast-food business and not unified co-workers for the same huge company, who simply dress in different uniforms and practice different procedures; who take their orders from the same home headquarters and receive their rewards (paychecks) all from the same place! To say that all of these and the rest of the fast food restaurants world-wide are all just simply part of the one, original fast-food company is, well, quite frankly, absurd… its fool’s talk. Everybody knows better. People realize and recognize this without ever even thinking about it. It’s that simple.

So why even bring such a thing up? Why spend all of this time and effort on such an absurdity as saying that they’re all part of the same, one, original company; that Burger King, Sonic, and Carl’s Jr. are actually all a part of McDonalds, and that it’s all part of some great, well-kept corporate secret, when such a statement is such utter and unbelievable foolishness? Here’s why (and hear me well): Because many millions of misled religious people will spend eternity in Hell, precisely because they bought into this same, exact, and insane line of reasoning when it comes to their “churches.”

Listen: The Lord’s one New Testament church (Ephesians 1:22-23, 4:4-6) originated and was established in Jerusalem during the days of the Roman Empire just as prophesied (Isaiah 2:2-3; Daniel 2:31-44), when that church/kingdom was opened up by Peter just as Jesus promised (Matthew 16:18-19),         on the Day of Pentecost in 33 A.D., as recorded in Acts 2:1-47 (WHICH IS A MUST-READ). In that chapter, which chronicles the origination and establishment of the Lord’s church in that place and on that date, we see that Peter, prompted by the Holy Spirit and based on the peoples’ belief in the message he preached, bound repentance and baptism – very specifically and exclusively as a pre-requisite and requirement – in order for them to then receive the forgiveness of sins, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and entrance into the Lord’s church (36-47).

From that point on, through to the end of Jude, we see the Lord’s one, New Testament Church in existence, and being instructed directly from their heavenly headquarters (II Timothy 3:14-4:4), by the Owner (Acts 20:28) and Head Himself (Ephesians 1:22-23) as to His precise and exact “standard operating procedures” and requirements when it came to conducting their “spirit and truth worship” (John 4:23-24). These requirements for His church included singing His praises (never did His instructions for His church ever include “playing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs,” but always He instructed singing only (cf: I Corinthians 14:15; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). Other requirements and commandments which He as the Head and Owner handed down from His heavenly headquarters and which His true church (that truly wants to receive the reward He has to offer when their work here is done) both practiced then when the Lord’s church was in its infancy stages in the first century and still does today, would include:

  • Taking communion and giving of our means on the 1st day of each week (Acts 20:7; I Corinthians 16:1-2).
  • Having women remain silent in the assemblies by not teaching or leading therein (I Corinthians 14:33-37; I Timothy 2:11-15).
  • To have each autonomous congregation overseen by elders only – and these being older men who met the very strict guidelines as given by the “home office” (Titus 1:5-9; I Timothy 3:1-7).
  • Being identified by a biblical name that gives all the glory to the church Owner and the Owner alone (Acts 4:12); a name such as is found in Romans 16:16 where each congregation of Christ’s church in a different location was known as one of the “churches of Christ.” (This, similar to the way “McDonald’s” and “Carl’s Jr.’s” locations carry their owners’/founders’ names.)
  • Denominating or dividing by following different men and their conflicting man-made doctrines was a very serious sin that would only lead to vain and useless worship and eventual damnation and condemnation by those who practiced it (Matthew 15:7-9; Romans 16:17-18; I Corinthians 1:10-13; Galatians 1:6-10).
  • Understanding that the church and the kingdom were synonymous (Matthew 16:18-19), and that since the day of Pentecost in 33 A.D. when Christ’s church was established, the kingdom was also established on earth and that as Christians were already in and enjoying it and its benefits (Colossians 1:13-14).

While many of Christ’s other “standard operating procedures” for His church could certainly be cited from the scriptures, these should suffice. And these could be summarized as in the table that follows indicates (And remember: you can see and study scriptural documentation for each example as noted above):

Name: Church of God, church of Christ, or any one of five other scriptural names.
Founder: Jesus Christ through His handpicked and Holy-Spirit inspired apostles.
Original Location/Date: Jerusalem, 33 A.D.
Requirements for Salva-tion/Admission Into: Belief in the gospel message, repentance (turning towards God), and baptism (water immersion) specifically for and before the forgiveness of sins.
Music: Always sung, never played.
Communion: Always practiced on the first day of each and every week.
Women Leading in the Public Worship: Absolutely not. In fact, such practice is strictly forbidden by express commandment.
Congregational Oversight: Elders who meet very strict and stringent Scriptural requirements.
Denominations/Divisions: Condemned sternly and repeatedly throughout the New Testament.
Kingdom Doctrine? It came in 33 A.D. and they were in it.

However, notwithstanding the strict and scriptural condemnations and commandments against dividing and denominating mentioned above, throughout the ages, beginning with Roman Emperor Constantine (313-337 A.D.), more and more mere mortal men have come along, and sensing the power, glory, and riches that such a “religious business” and its ardent and committed followers could bring them (II Peter 2:1-3), they have instituted and originated countless copy-cat “churches” and religions, all with their own counterfeit and deceitful practices. This, very much in the same vein as the very great sins of Jeroboam when he instituted his own brand of copycat religion “which he devised in his own heart” (as listed in 1 Kings 12:26-33; previous quote from verse 33), which eventually caused God’s Old Testament people to be utterly cast out of His sight (II Kings 17).

The following table includes and illustrates just a handful of these institutions, their founders, and a few of their unscriptural and man-made additions, subtractions, unauthorized practices, and substitutions:


Founder, Head, Authority

Original Location, and Date

Salvation Requirements



Women Leading Worship




Church of Christ

Jesus (through  His Holy word)


33 A.D.

Repentance and Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

Vocal, or

A capella

Each and every first day of the week only



Unacceptable and condemned by God in Scripture



Constantine, Pope



Catholic doctrine


At many times and events






Martin Luther









Are going to Heaven

Hasn’t come


King Henry VIII








Sincere belief is enough



John Calvin,

John Knox







Sincere belief is enough

Hasn’t come?


Robert Browne






Yes (?)





John Smythe







No; Pastors

Are going to Heaven

Hasn’t come


John Wesley








Are going to Heaven

Hasn’t come


Joseph Smith







Not biblical ones!

Not going (?)

Hasn’t come (?)

Seventh-Day Adventist

William Miller










Jehovah’s Witnesses

Charles Russell








Not going

Hasn’t come

Charismatics: Church of the Nazarene; Church of God; Assembly of God; Pentecostals

Many, as the Methodist Church split into various  factions from infighting



Receiving the Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Ghost


Not essential each week



Acceptable to God and going to heaven (?)

Hasn’t come.

Christian Church and Disciples of Christ

Split off from the church of Christ because of desire for biblically unauthorized additions



Varies from just belief to prayer mostly; baptism occasionally


Not essential each week in many cases


At times, but not as a neces-sity

Acceptable to God and therefore in fellowship  most of them


While there are some question marks in the above table due to this author’s unfamiliarity with these man-made denominations and their specific practices, beliefs and  doctrines, certainly the first three columns are more than enough to convince even the most casual of observers that these vastly different religious organizations, started in different centuries, and in varied countries, on different continents, by vastly different people with their own personal beliefs and agendas throughout the last two millennia, are – despite the satanically-engineered lie which will cost countless millions their eternal souls – absolutely NOT all just simply various parts of the same one, divine, original institution known as the Lord’s body/church, as seen prophesied, promised, purchased, established, and experienced in the first century as reported in pages of sacred Scripture!

For anyone to somehow seem to say or to teach that they are, just in order to justify their own desire to worship in whatever way or place they prefer instead of humbly submitting to God’s clearly commanded instructions from His home heavenly headquarters, is to use the same insane and flawed “logic” which says that Burger King, Sonic, and Carl’s Jr. are all just a part of McDonald’s! Only in this case, it’s not only futile, foolish, and flawed, but will in the end be forever fatal!

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