Evolution – Back to School Series

Evolution – Back to School Series

Decades ago the problem was more of a minor irritation. Evolution was mentioned in classrooms, but teachers often voiced their own beliefs in the Biblical account of Creation or they skipped the section entirely. Fast forward to the modern “no child left behind” era of standardized testing and atheistic lawsuits, and we find the pendulum has shifted to an environment that is predominantly teaching man’s origins from organic evolution.

The church sounded the alarm, and we occasionally hear sermons on the topic, but the fact remains that we are still years behind. While we are busy pointing out the lies of evolution in science books, textbook publishers have now shifted the topic into just about every academic field: math, English, home economics, history, etc.

evolution fraud

Be prepared with truth, not theory.

Combine three decades of vigorous teaching in textbooks and spotlights from the mainstream media, and you begin to see why many have fallen prey to this godless theory. (And make no doubt about it, at its root is a theory that all creatures evolved from a common ancestor which itself came from a non-living source—without any plan or design from a Supernatural Creator.)

Having preached all over the United States, I have met literally hundreds of Christian parents whose children have left home with a belief in God, only to return months later with an allegiance to evolutionary “science.” This theory is so prevalent that many Christians today have tried to marry both evolution and the Creation account. Church leaders don’t want to feel ignorant, and so they allow Bible class teachers to indoctrinate members with concepts like the Day-Age Theory or the Gap Theory.

Here is what I intend to teach my children about evolution.

Evolution is true — that is, microevolution is true. We know today that things can change within limited parameters (e.g., dog breeds). This is a scientific fact. However, science has never observed a dog reproducing into a fern or giraffe or anything other than a dog.

Macro – or organic evolution, on the other hand, the theory that everything evolved from a common ancestor, is unbiblical and unscientific. And while many teachers and professors will try their best to use intellectual intimidation to convince you that all knowledgeable people believe evolution, the fact remains that it is illogical and irrational.

When I first sat down to consider what I would tell you in a single short article regarding evolution, I laughed, as I could easily fill a book with solid evidence. However, if I were to try to distill it down, here are some key points I would expect you to know:

1. Evolution cannot explain the existence of matter.

2. Evolution cannot explain how nature progressed from gases and non-living rocks to living material.

3. Evolution cannot explain how the first cell self-assembled (especially in light of the fact that the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states things are going to a state of increased disorder).

4. Evolution cannot explain the existence of separate male and female genders.

5. Evolution cannot explain human emotions (love, tears, etc.)

6. Evolution cannot explain the division between plants and animal (e.g., why can plants make their own energy through photosynthesis and animals can’t?)

7. Evolution cannot explain morality.

8. Evolution cannot explain the design found in nature and the human body. (Design always demands a designer).

9. Evolution cannot explain the sudden explosion and diversity of fossils that appear fully formed in the fossil record.

10. Evolution cannot explain polystrate fossils that completely undermine the geologic column.

11. Evolution cannot explain soft-tissue in dinosaur fossils.

12. Evolution cannot explain the origin of language and consciousness.

The evolutionary theory provides those who have stiffened their necks against God a worldview that excludes a supernatural Creator. If Genesis 1-11 is tossed aside as merely a mythological story, then we must toss out the entire Bible because the one major theme that is taught throughout the Bible is redemption.

G. Richard Culp summed it up well when he wrote, “One who doubts the Genesis account will not be the same man he once was, for his attitude toward Holy Scripture has been eroded by false teaching. Genesis is repeatedly referred to in the New Testament, and it cannot be separated from the total Christian message” (1975, pp. 160-161).

While men may occasionally grab 2 Peter 3:8 and claim that a day is a thousand years to God, they have done so by taking that passage out of context. As Guy N. Woods pointed out, this passage simply means that time does not affect the performance of God’s promises or threats (Woods, 1976, p. 146). The context is when Jesus will return, not how long it took to create the heavens and earth.

Honest Bible scholars will admit that only four books in the Bible do not refer back to the opening chapters of Genesis as real and historic:  Jude, Philemon, 2 and 3 John.

Does this fact mean all other books in the Bible should be cut out or not trusted? Should Christians place their allegiance in evolution? Absolutely not —indeed the two theories are at war with one another! A New Testament Christian realizes the two are incompatible.

This article is an excerpt from Dr. Brad Harrub’s new book “Heart of the Matter 2: A Second Helping of Letters to my Children”. You can pre-order the book here.

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