Effective Evangelism

How Can We Be More Effective in Evangelism?

While not much has been announced as of yet, the elders have determined to emphasize the role of evangelism in the congregation, and to execute their plan, we will be having an evangelism class this summer to prepare for our “Fishers of Men” class this fall. Moreover, our lectureship begins this weekend, and because our theme centers on questions that non-Christian seekers are often asking, we can utilize this format to accommodate our need and joy to share the gospel with others.

Why do we often fail in evangelism? Reasons could include fear of embarrassment (as opposed to shame of Christ) and fear of resentment, rejection and controversy. In addition, we very often assume that people will not be interested before we even ask—by so doing, we overlook some who may be interested that we misjudge. Finally, we as Christians need to convince ourselves in the power of the gospel and the condition of lost souls. What are some practical ways of being more effective in evangelism? First, we need to find a method that suits our talent. According to Jesus, we all have at least one talent (Matt. 25:14-30). I know that the word “talent” indicates a financial term, but the Bible is clear that God has given us all abilities (at least one ability) to carry out the mission of the church—to preach and teach the gospel to those who are lost (Luke 19:10; Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15). Therefore, we must begin by searching inwardly to see what abilities we have that match well with evangelism. If we are outgoing individuals, then conducting Bible studies will not be difficult. If we are shy, then we may want to become involved in things such as distributing and grading Bible correspondence courses, distributing tracts and such like that involve less personal contact. If we love to be sociable, then we may use our abilities of hospitality to focus on evangelistic efforts. Whatever ability we may have, we need to get busy and use it for evangelistic causes!

Second, we need to revive our enthusiasm for Christianity. The psalmist declared it best: “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee” (Ps. 51:12-13). We need to radiate with a joy of salvation! When people in the world who are facing problems of every nature see the true joy and contentment of the Christian life, they will want to know what makes the difference!

Finally, we need to demonstrate Christianity at its finest! The apostle Peter makes a powerful statement concerning the non-Christian husbands of Christian wives: “… they may without the word be gained by the behavior of their wives” (1 Pet. 3:1 ASV). Evangelism can take place by simply demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit (cf. Gal. 5:22-23). This will take an exhibition of the change that God has made in our lives (Rom. 12:1-2). I hope that these practical points will help all of us to become more evangelistic, and may God bless our efforts to sow the seed of the kingdom!

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