Do you Want to be Tickled?

Tickle Me?

Today’s society wants to be tickled.  They want to hear things that appeal to them.  What appeals to them is their own traditions, beliefs, feelings, or values.

Universities which once used to be a place to challenge thought and delve deep to discover truth, now seem to promote only group think.  If someone poses a thought which is unique from other students, feelings explosion occurs!  Students weep, feel threatened, or get angry when exposed to something outside of their box of thought.  Their minds want to be tickled.  Agree with me!  Don’t terrify my mores.  Safe rooms have had to be set up for fear of enountering a different point of view.  Visiting lecturers have been protested against, threatened, or canceled because they see the world through a different set of glasses than the mind numbed students.


The government working with mass media and pharmaceutical companies engaged opposition fiercely during the Covid 19 years.  They told people they must lockdown, though they knew from history that such a position would be futile with covid.  They told people they must wear masks.  Though they knew that evidence from over a century of practice and study proved masks useless.  They chose arbitrary spacing distances such as six feet (completely out of the air) and expected not to be questioned.  They forced ineffective and dangerous vaccines upon citizens, hiding and ignoring trial results and mass side effects.  When doctors of great renown questioned the widespread actions, they were censored, jailed, and had their licenses pulled.

Parents have been watching the educational system melt down for decades.  Schools are not turning out well educated children in the fields of literature, mathematics, science, and technology.  Instead, they are being exposed to drag shows, make believe pronouns, gender studies, and homosexuality.  When parents try to express their dismay, they are labeled domestic terrorists.  They are marched away from the assemblies and told their parental rights end at the school doors.

Sadly, the church is not immune to the pathetic blockades of inflexible minds.  “This is what we have always done.” “We have never been taught that.” “We like the way things are now. ”  These words echo from one congregation to the next.  They are not ready to hear teaching and explore the scriptures to see if the things said are true.  They just want to hang anyone with a different thought.  They want to shut up the noise that causes them any discomfort.  Truth does not matter.  Feelings, comfort, happiness are the god they love.  Churches want to be tickled.

For the betterment of society, mankind needs to listen, to contemplate, and to investigate different thought.  They need to challenge what they believe. The need to be willing to change if it appears they have been following a path of failure and foolishness.  Only with sincere minds of patience, goodness, self control, and peace is there room for needed change in our world.  Jealousy, envy, anger, greed, and selfishness currently reign in our times and we will be none the better for it if it is allowed to persist.


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