Do You Know the Lord?

Do You Know the Lord?

A commonly used phrase in the religious world is, “Do you know the Lord as your personal Savior?” The concept of knowing the Lord is certainly Biblical, but phrases and concepts are sometimes redefined to describe a concept not found in the Bible. For example, the word “baptism” has spread around the world to describe the sprinkling of water on an infant, but this concept is never found in the Bible.

There is that which the Bible says we can absolutely know. There is no room for doubt because the Bible affirms this knowledge in such a precise manner.

We Know That the Son of God Has Come

John says, “We know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true” (1 John 5:20). The evidence is so overwhelming that there can be no doubt. A baby was laid in a manger more than 2,000 years ago and lived among men. He is the central person in all of history. Time itself is dated using BC and AD to indicate how many years an event happened before or after that manger was used. Think about it. Hindus, Muslims, infidels, atheists and agnostics acknowledge that event every time they write the date. But there is far greater evidence. Consider His miracles (John 20:30-31). Consider His words so often used in our language (John 7:46). Consider the empty tomb—He died and was buried, and the tomb is empty! We know that Immanuel is reality.

We Know That We Know Him

“Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments” (1 John 2:3). Look at these words carefully. Not only is it possible for us to know the Lord, we can know that we know Him. The concept of knowing Him is not some vague, immeasurable idea. There is an absolutely certain way to check if we know Him. How do we know that we know Him? The Bible gives the evidence. It is not by some “born again” prayer that we remember saying years ago. It is not by some deep-seated feeling we have within us. Simply look at your response to what He has commanded, and if you are obeying them then you know Him and you can know that you know.

We Can Know Far More Than We Realize

The phrase “we know” is found more than fifty times in the Bible and the apostle John uses it twenty-eight of those times. Your life will be blessed by using a concordance to discover all that we can know. Aren’t you glad that we can know Him? Aren’t you glad that you can know that you know Him? And aren’t you glad that because of the Bible you can know that you can know that you know Him!

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