DNA Robots – Intelligently Designed? Or Just Happened?

If you have ever seen a factory, you know what an assembly line is.  A product moves along a conveyer system while workers add different parts and pieces.  As a result, they produce a widget of some kind like a car or a Rubik’s Cube.  I would wager that anyone who has ever seen a factory would not suggest that a tornado, earthquake, and volcano passed through an iron mountain and as a result of their forces produced a toy-car factory.  Everyone knows that for every effect there must be an adequate cause and tornados, earthquakes, and volcanoes simply are not adequate to account for the existence of a toy-car factory.  Toy-car factories are the product of intelligent design.  In fact, one could convincingly argue that a factory of any kind, complete with workers, conveyer systems, and output, is the product of intelligent design.

In a May 12, 2010 article of the Wall Street Journal Online by Robert Lee Hotz (“They Walk. They Work. New DNA Robots Strut Their Tiny Stuff”), it is reported that a group of scientists based at New York University built a molecular level factory, complete with workers, conveyer systems, and output, with DNA as their basic materials.  These Nanotechnologies (so named because of their incredibly small size, approximately 100,000 times smaller than a human hair) include DNA robots that receive and respond to chemical instructions given at the DNA level.  They are able to assemble microscopic boxes, open and close them, move along a conveyer system, and carry and release cargo.  With nine billion dollars invested worldwide to develop these technologies, these DNA robots are obviously products of human design.  When asked to comment on these developments, California Institute of Technology bioengineer Paul Rothemund said, “This is the kind of thing that happens in living cells all the time.”

Wait just one minute!  “This is the kind of thing that happens in living cells all the time”?!  We are told by the evolutionists, atheists, skeptics, agnostics, and others that such natural happenings in the cells are simply the product of random chance and evolution – no intelligent design involved.  Yet, when scientists mimic the exact same systems, systems which happen in living cells “all the time” we are told that these are significant scientific breakthroughs.  The inconsistency is maddening.  Consider for a moment what might happen in 10,000 years if these molecular robots were turned loose and all evidence of human involvement with these devices is wiped out.  There would be some who would simply attribute the activity to random chance and evolution!  It would be horribly wrong to do so because these DNA robots were intelligently designed and they demonstrate, by their existence, evidence of intelligent design.  How wrong is it, then, to fail to attribute intelligent design to the prototype from which these DNA robots were made – living cells!

Why can atheists, skeptics, agnostics, and unbelievers not realize that just as these DNA robots are designed, so also is the living cell.  It contains evidence of the involvement of Mind, a Mind who is also a Designer, a Creator!  The evidence of design in living cells must return to an Ultimate Source/Mind that can explain in perpetuity the time-bound existence of designed things.

The Bible ascribes the source of all life to God, our Intelligent Designer.  The apostle Paul wrote, “He giveth to all life” (Acts 17:25).  May each one have the wisdom to discern and come to know that the God of the Bible is the Ultimate Mind behind which all intelligently designed things in the Universe come to exist.

Works Cited

Hotz, Robert Lee. “They Walk. They Work. New DNA Robots Strut Their Tiny Stuff.” 12 May 2010. Wall Street Journal Online. <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704247904575240380352719428.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_MIDDLTopStories> Accessed 12 May 2010.

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