David and Saul

God Helps the Godly, Always!

The account of David’s flight from King Saul is filled with vivid description of just how much hate the king had for the son of Jesse. First Samuel chapters 22 and 23 give such great insight in the hearts of the first two kings of Israel. Had it not been for the friendship of Jonathan with David, the life David might have ended and the history of Israel would have been so different.

david fled saul but trusted god

David Fled Saul, but Trusted God.

The evil King Saul called the priests of God to his side, and when he learned of how they had added David in his flight he killed eighty-five priests. He then entered Nob, one the cities given to the priests by God and slaughtered men, women, children, infants and their animals. He was determined to kill David, no matter what was the cost.

David fled city to city and even foreign nations. He sought refuge in Keilah only to have Saul pursue him there. David left that city and thought he had found his place of refuge in forest near Ziph, but the people offered to deliver David to Saul. What hope could anyone have at a time like this?

The answer lies in the psalm David penned as he fled from Ziph. Read those seven verses in Psalm 54 and learn from this man how God helps. See his faith. Read it again when life has crumbled around you. Let his words become your words.

Hear his words. He saw God as his Savior and the One who would vindicate him (v. 1). He saw God as the One who would hear his prayers and answer them (v. 2). He understood his situation but knew there was no way his enemies would prevail, for God was not in the forefront of their lives (v. 3). God was his Helper and stood with those who stood with David (v. 4). He knew God would repay his enemies and separate them from Him (v. 5). He knew that his response to God’s presence was a heart filled with the joy of worship and praise (v. 6). He looked at all the adversity he had just endured, and this gave him confidence that victory would belong to him.

What’s happening in your life? I guarantee you that it is not nearly as bad as David’s was when he wrote this psalm. Whatever it is, whether the adversity is one in your life or one that you may face in the future, rest assured that these words of David will help you. You may not need to memorize this psalm in its entirety, but let these words feed your soul. Let them become the expression of your heart. If we want to people after God’s own heart, then the words of David need to become our words.

By the way, you do know the rest of this story, don’t you? Saul was thwarted in his attempts to kill David. Saul’s life ended in a most tragic way. The victory has never belonged to the ungodly, for our God never forsakes His children.

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