David Dealt with Calamities

David Dealt with Calamities

The headings of the psalms are not inspired words from God but reflect the ancient concepts of what was occurring in the life of the psalmist when he penned that psalm. The heading of Psalm 57 describes the events happening in the life of David when he wrote the psalm—“When David fled from Saul into the cave.” Regardless of when it was written, it shows us how David dealt with the most dire situations in his life.

David Psalm 57

How did David deal with Calamities?

David first looked at the most high God. In the midst of trials, God was one who “performs all things.” David’s God (and ours!) was not one who sat idly by when He saw His children suffering (verse 2). He is One who sends forth blessing of salvation from heaven and reproaches the enemies of those who threatened His children, attempting to swallow them up. He was the God who sends forth mercy and truth (v. 3).

David then looked around him and thought about his enemies. If the heading is accurate, King Saul had just returned from fighting with the Philistines and, upon learning where David had fled, took 3,000 soldiers to kill him (1 Sam. 24). David and his men had taken refuge in the recesses of a large cave when Saul approached the cave and went inside. David’s greatest enemy was before him with thousands of soldiers just outside the cave. Look at how David described them. They were the fiercest warriors among the sons of men. Their violent spirit was like coals of fire, their teeth were like spears and arrows and their tongues were like a sharp sword (v. 4). They had figuratively dug a pit into which David might fall and prepared a net to ensnare him (v. 6).

David then showed his reactions to God’s providence in the midst of ungodly men. “My heart is steadfast.” His heart was anchored and firmly fixed on God and His nature. None of the adversity moved him. Instead of trembling with fear, David’s heart was singing the praises of God. As each day dawned, the man after God’s own heart loudly proclaimed His glory (vs. 7-9).

The psalm closes with words contrasting God and those fierce beasts of David’s enemies. God was glorious, and His mercy and truth reached from David (in the recesses of that cave) unto the highest heavens. Read the events of what happened at the cave to see how God responded to all of this and delivered David.

Look again at the first verse. “In the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamites have passed by.”  Our lives are so often stressful and surrounded by adversity. When you find yourself in these circumstances never give up. We serve an eternal merciful God and all “these calamites” will pass by. Remember He is with you in your darkest “cave.”

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