
After the death of Moses, the children of Israel stood upon the eastern banks of a swollen, rushing Jordan River. The Lord spoke to Joshua and commanded him to address to the people and instruct them in cross the Jordan and take possession of the Promised Land. Key to the success of this occupation would be strength, resolve, obedience, and faithfulness (1.6-7). The Lord here tells Joshua what Moses had told him in Deuteronomy 31.7 and the command is also reiterated here that is found in Deuteronomy 5.32, “Be careful, then, to do as the LORD your God has commanded you. Do not turn aside to the right or to the left:”

We speak often of the importance and applications of obedience and faithfulness to God. But how much emphasis do we place on strength and courage? Not enough I am afraid!

The society we live in has successfully painted us into the corner of passivity and cowardice.

If we speak out against social and moral issues and call them sins because that is what the Bible, the very Word of God teaches, we are labeled extremists, unloving, and hateful.

When we speak the truth that Jesus Christ is the only “way,” “truth,” and “life,” and that no one can come to the Father except through Him (John 14.6) we are christened as bigots.

When we teach and preach the truth about salvation and who will be saved and who will be lost we are condemned as narrow-minded and judgmental. We are scolded and told we should be more inclusive (John 7.24). They miss they irony of their own judgmental nature.

When we teach the truth about the church, worship, salvation, divorce and remarriage, giving, and a myriad of other Bible subjects we are ridiculed and called radicals and legalists.

So how have we responded? I believe generally Christians have countered in one of two ways. One, some have indeed become extremists and developed an ugly attitude that has led to further isolation and created an environment in which very few are being saved and converted. They claim to be doing what the Bible says in “earnestly contending for the faith” (Jude 3) and being bold (Ephesians 6.20). But they have forgotten to speak the truth “in love” (Ephesians 4.15) and with all “longsuffering and teaching” (2 Timothy 4.2). Many are more concerned with winning an argument or “nailing someone to the door.”

Two, and more prevalent, are those who have allowed themselves to be sat down, shut up, and shut out. They have not developed the strength or the resolve to take a stand for truth and righteousness. They are afraid they will be labeled as hatful and judgmental and cower at the idea of being ridiculed. They fear the rejection and loss of family and friends that care more about themselves and this world than Christ and eternity.

Here is the problem. Revelation 21.8 begins the list of those sinners who will “have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death” with the “ cowardly! ” For many Christians “it is time” to take a stand (Galatians 5.1). “It is time” to “be strong” (1 Corinthians 16.13; Ephesians 6.10; 2 Timothy 2.1). “It is time” to wake up and be obedient (Romans 13.11). And “it is time” to be faithful (Revelation 2.10).

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