Covid and Congregations without Elders

Covid and Churches without Elders #1

For more than two years, congregations have had to deal with Covid and the restrictions on public gatherings. It has been such a difficult time worldwide as it was increasingly difficult to maintain assembling to worship like the Lord wants. In far too many places, making decisions about how to deal with Covid created an emotional division as every member had strong convictions as to how it should be handled.congregation covid

It was difficult in congregations where there were elders, as they immediately realized that whatever decision was made would likely upset several members of the various congregation where they served as overseers. In those congregations where there were no elders, it was far more difficult. The attendance at most congregations is not what it once was. If the attendance where you worship is more than 60-70% of what it was “pre-Covid,” you are so blessed.

The reality is that our society is returning to the way it was two years ago. One  truth that seems fairly obvious is that far too many may never return. The habit of regular attendance is no longer their lifestyle. Some have become “virtual” worshipers, if they worship at all, and are satisfied to use their Sundays in far different ways. All of us are struggling. We are wondering what we might do to get back to where we were.

Let’s consider the tremendous impact about how to get individuals who once came regularly to return to congregations without elders. At some point, we must decide we will return to what we once did—meeting twice on Sundays, midweek Bible studies, Vacation Bible Schools, church dinners, gospel meetings, singings and so many other activities.

It may even be difficult for those congregations who have no elders to make the decisions about resuming what helped the church grow spiritually. As congregations are impacted, remember that the Lord commanded us to come together in one place to eat the Lord’s Supper. There is no “virtual worship” option about never resuming meeting together.

In those meetings to deal with recovering from Covid in all aspects of the work of the church, especially where decisions are usually made in a men’s meeting, the words of Paul to the Corinthians seem so appropriate: “Let all things be done for edification…let all things be done decently and in order…let all that you do be done with love” (14:26, 40; 16:14).

We will discuss this more next article, but let me assure you I have worshiped and preached in congregations with elders and in those without elders and I understand how difficult returning to worship we once had will be, especially where there are no elders. I am praying for you. More next time.

Covid & Congregations without Elders #2

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