Count Your Blessings

“Count Your Blessings.” In the twenty-third Psalm David wrote of the vastness of God’s blessings when he said, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my
enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.” The idea of counting our
every blessing is an intriguing one to be sure. We certainly give it plenty of lip service
and we even on occasion sing about the bountiful blessings of God. It is because what
David said is true, that our cup does indeed run over, that it is certainly not possible to
sit down and count every blessing. However, though it may an exercise in futility, it is
profitable for us to stop frequently to consider the many blessings God has bestowed
upon us. Not only that, but it is also our duty to meditate upon the goodness of God.

“Name Them One By One.” Some think of their blessings only en masse, in the
abstract; with broad general strokes we thank God for them. There is however an
urgent need in our lives to begin thinking of God’s blessings more specifically. We need
to particularize our blessings in order to fully understand the graciousness of God. This
will also allow us to come to a fuller understanding as to our utter dependence upon
Him. It is He who holds all things together and upholds the universe by the power of His word (Colossians 1.17; Hebrews 1.3).

“And It Will Surprise You.” In Malachi 3.10 God says, “…put me to the test.” If we will
not only be truly thankful for all that we have and rightly give God the glory for the
blessings in our life, He will bless us beyond compare. This means that I must first give
myself to Him (Luke 14.26; Matthew 16.24; 2 Corinthians 5.8). The wealth of His
blessings will astonish us if we give to Him (physically, spiritually, and thankfully) as He
has prospered us (Luke 6.38; 1 Corinthians 16.2). “Oh that men would praise the LORD
for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men” (Psalm 107.8)!

“What The Lord Hath Done.” Remember the glory belongs to God! What has God done
for you in this life? How blessed are we both physically and spiritually? God has given
you life! He has blessed you with the fullness of the earth. He has cared for us
spiritually and given us the hope of eternal life in the sacrifice of His dear Son. The
problem for so many of us is that we hold on to all that we have as though it is ours by
our own power. We fail to see that it is God who has shared with us what belongs to
Him. We give ourselves praise, honor and glory for what we have, not Him. There
needs to be a change in our attitude toward the blessings of God. And when there is,
how wonderful will be the vision, when the haze of selfishness and pride is lifted.

First of all if you are not a Christian today, take a good hard look at what God has
already done for you. Especially for His love and mercy! Love Him in return by being
obedient to Him (John 14.15). Hear the Word of God (Romans 10.17); believe on the
name of the Lord Jesus, the Christ (Mark 16.16); confess Him as the only begotten Son
of God (Matthew 10.32-33); repent of your sins (Luke 13.3); be buried with him in
baptism in order to be saved and added to the church (Acts 2.38; Galatians 3.27; 1
Peter 3.21). Then be thankful and be faithful!

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