Comfort in the Time of Our Babylon

Comfort in the Time of Our Babylon

Babylon lay on the horizon for God’s chosen people, but none of them realized it. When God extended the life of King Hezekiah, an envoy from a small nation hundreds of miles away came to see the king. Hezekiah showed to them all the golden treasures Israel had amassed. He saw no danger, for when they came, Babylon was a small insignificant nation.  How strange the words of the prophet Isaiah must have sounded to him. “Behold the days are coming when all that is in your house, and what your fathers have accumulated until this day, shall be carried to Babylon; nothing shall be left” (2 Kings 20:16-17).

Isaiah had another message which would help those who later would be carried to Babylon. It was about the nature of God in the midst of that terrible trouble they would endure. These words of comfort should be remembered by us whenever great trials come into our lives. They speak so clearly of the eternal, unchanging nature of God.

“I have chosen you…” There was that time when one nation was his chosen people. In the midst of trials, we must see how His mercy has made Christians His chosen ones.

Fear not for I am with you…” The peace He has given us, which surpasses the ability for any mortal to understand, is based on the promise He has made that He will never forsake us. Faith in that promise conquers all fear.

Be not dismayed, for I am with you…” His presence gives us more than the removal of fear. When trials come on, the ungodly are so often overwhelmed by them. Remember His words, “Be anxious for nothing.”

I will strengthen you…” When the Almighty One stands beside us, we can rest assured that He will give His strength to us. We are always greater than the enemy, and there is absolutely nothing that is a problem to the God who delivers us from every trial.

Yes, I will help you…” The inclusion of this word “yes” is God’s way of saying that He is determined to help us. There is no temptation for which He does not provide a way of relief, and our God, who cannot lie, will always help us.

I will uphold you…” Paul lists those things which cannot separate us from God, and then concludes, “In all these things we are more than conquers through Him” (Rom. 8:37).

With My righteous right hand” (Isa. 41:8-10). We sit on His right hand, the hand of strength, and it is that hand with which He works in our lives—always working righteously.

Take time right now to read all He says in the bold print above. It will help us all when we are tried.

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