Comfort and Safety of God

Comfort and Safety of God

When we are obedient and faithful as the children of God we have great comfort in knowing that we are safe in Christ. We do not have to be afraid. But we may boldly proclaim, “The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me” (Hebrews 13:6). This is true because He is our refuge (Psalm 46:7).

Comfort comes in Christ.

Comfort comes in Christ.

In our daily lives we need to rejoice, sing praises, and exalt Him. He guides us with His loving hand, so we should follow Him where He leads. Ultimately, He will gather together His saints, those who have made covenant with Him through the sacrifice of His Son.

As we think about who our heavenly Father is this year let us remember that He loves us, wants us to be blessed, wants to comfort us in all our troubles, and wants was to feel safe and secure. Let us never forget what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do. Be faithful friends!

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