Bride and Groom Seperation of March 1

They were so much in love on their wedding day. There was no question about how much he loved her, and she vowed her unending love to him. It was one of those perfect days which no one could ever forget. But so much has happened and now it looks like there may be a separation in the next few days.

They had so much in common in the beginning. They shared the same goals and they rejoiced as they saw their dreams become a reality. They worked side by side and accomplished so much. It just doesn’t seem to be that way anymore.

The reality is that the fault lies entirely with the bride. In most relationships there are problems and the blame can be shared, but such is not true in this situation. She changed and he has made every effort to help, but it is all to no avail. It’s not that he would not restore the relationship—he still longs for that which once existed—but she simply is not willing.

She has other interests. She had time for him in the past, but now spends less and less time with him. Those things they once did together are now a thing of the past. She’s just too occupied for him.

There was one week each year they spent together that brought them so much joy. It was the highlight of the year for both of them. They made plans and committed to each other to make that week the most special time in their relationship. They made time for each other and nothing was more important than this week together. It was the time for the achievement of their greatest goal and brought them their greatest joy.

It doesn’t have be this way. If the bride would only remember the vow she made (he has never forgotten his, and determine she would change, it would be just like it used to be. No held grudges, no bad memories, just that perfect relationship they once shared. However, it is up to her. She holds the future in her hands.

That special week begins on March 1, and it will be immediately obvious where her love, devotion and commitment are. If you want to know what is so important about the week beginning on March 1, just check the front page of this bulletin. If you want to know the identity of the bride, just look in the mirror. It is not a great mystery, but “I speak concerning Christ and the church” (Eph. 5:32). Let’s work to make that week as special to us as it is to Him. Let’s share His dream with Him! The future is in our hands!

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