Blame & Credit

Blame or Credit?

When insurance companies speak of hail damage, flooding waters and tornadoes as acts of God, what are they telling us? When people weep beside their loved ones’ graves, why do they make the statement as Job did: “the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away” (Job 1:21). An older man who was at the foot of his mother’s bed while she was dying asked, “how could God do this to me?”

Do you blame God?

Do you blame God?

So many questions asked. So much concern over what God has done. But, is God really the one to blame? The Bible, which is trusted by many, tells us plainly that the one who has the power of death is Satan (Hebrews 2:14). Therefore, why should God get all the credit when a loved one passes from this world and we are left in a weakened emotional state? Do we not know that sin is what brings forth death (James 1:15)? Indeed it is. In addition, why should God get all the credit when we break our leg walking on an icy sidewalk or come down with lumbago? Just what has God done to deserve such press?

From the very beginning of the Bible, men and women have continually sung and still sing out from its pages to, “give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good” (Psalms 106, 107, 118, 136). Yet for some reason, people have forgotten God’s goodness. Instead, we see the pointing fingers of blame pointed towards heaven claiming that he is to blame when anything evil befalls them. Alas, when we are hurting, we do need to give God credit. Not for afflicting us, but for aiding us. He is strength in times of trouble (Psalms 37:39) and he is the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3).


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