Big Problem?

How Big is Your Problem?

do your problems seem to big to handle

Do Your Problems Seem Too Big to Handle?

No one ever said that life would be easy. From infancy nothing seems to go right. We are seemingly placed in a crib where we must cry endlessly, awaiting someone to notice that we are hungry, lonely or need our diapers changed. Later, there is that horrible task of learning to walk with the incessant tumbling and falling that is part of the process. Add to that the great “injustice” brought into our lives by parents and siblings. Life is not easy. Little do we realize that this just the beginning of a life filled with problems.

As we reach maturity, those first problems become insignificant with the problems which surround us. Look around you right now and think of what is happening. Life is not easy. It is characterized by insurmountable problems.

However, there is something a Christian has which makes life vastly different from those in the world. It does not matter what is happening, for the eyes of our God are over us, His ears are open to our prayers and His face is against those who trouble us (1 Pet. 3:12). Our problems often seem far greater than our abilities to deal with them, but we must remember that our God is greater than our problems.

Paul described the limitless power of God in his letter to Ephesus. “He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Eph. 3:20). Read that passage slowly and notice the character of God. God is able. He is able to do what we ask. He is able to do what we ask or think. He is able to do more than we ask or think. He is able to do abundantly more than we ask or think. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.

The emphasis this year at Palm Beach Lakes is, “With God We Can.” The emphasis this month is “With God We Can Anchor Our Hope in Christ.” That hope is the anchor of our soul (Heb. 6:19) in the midst of adversity. Paul said we are saved by this hope (Rom. 8:24). Hope is not a wish that we might overcome, it is an expectation. It is not an expectation because of our ability, but because of His!

When Paul was traveling to Rome, his ship was caught in a tempestuous storm. For two weeks, they were driven by the ferocious winds and no one knew where they were. Luke described the situation as, “All hope was lost.” Yet, read Acts 27:21-25 carefully and see the hope Paul had in this situation. God was greater than his problems! That same God is your God, and He is greater than your problems!

The next time you look at what is happening in your life just remember that the question is not, “How big is your problem?” The question is, “How big is your God?”

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