Behold Thy Son

There is no question that Jesus had great love for his mother. During the day that Jesus hung on the cross, John records, “ When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! ” (John 19:26). It was a sad day at the place known as “the skull” (Mark 15:22). The hour had come when Jesus had to die, when his relationship to His mother is to be severed and yet, his mother was there, watching. Despite the fact that it was a great risk to even be there, his mother would not leave his side. Why?

His mother was there because she loved her son, Jesus. He had done so much for mankind and she was willing to stand by him no matter the cost. And truly, Jesus cared for his mother. While the weight of the sins of the world was on his brow, his thoughts were on others instead of himself. Every fiber of his being existed for others. For, he came to seek those who were lost (Luke 19:10), who came from God to do his will, not to do the will of himself (John 8:42; 12:49‐50). And so, even in death, his mind is focused on others.

No doubt, he was touched with the feelings of Mary’s hurt and pain. As for Mary, she may not have understood all that was happening that day, but she could love. And, for Jesus to say “Woman, behold thy son!” the very sound must have wrung her heart with addi7onal sorrow. Pure natural affection was there between the son and his mother and her presence there was the most natural thing in the world for a mother. Sure, Jesus might have looked to others on that day as a criminal in the eyes of the law, although he did no wrong (1 Peter 2:22). But, he was her son. His mother’s love followed Him, her tears came down her cheeks, knowing her son’s body was being destroyed by others and the love of motherhood is evidently seen in Mary at the cross. Her presence says a great deal about her.

So, Jesus makes provisions for his mother (John 19:27). He points to the disciple whom He loved (probably John), to care for his mother, to keep her in his home. Jesus asked John to be her son and to carry out the affection of a child toward her. Jesus, in his dying moments, filled with tender regard for his mother, secured for her an adopted son, obtained for her a home and consoled her grief by the prospect of attention from him who was the most beloved of all the apostles. What an example of love the dying Savior displays as he considers his afflicted mother and making her welfare one of his last cares on the cross while making atonement for the sins of the world. What an example of a mother who always stood by her son even though that pathway brought her and him to a cross. Truly, this is a great example of the bond between a mother and child.

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