Because She Refused to Drink

Scott Shanahan is a missionary in Pohnpei, the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia. This past Sunday was one of those days you can never forget. Before worship began, a young lady, Sarah, indicated that she was thinking seriously about being baptized, and at the conclusion of the service she came and asked to become a Christian. As she was being baptized in the ocean, Scott asked if there was anyone else who wanted to make a commitment to the Lord. Kodaro, a gentleman with whom they had been studying, walked into the water and was united with Jesus. There was so much joy as these events transpired.

But the story does not end there. As Scott and Rebecca were driving members to their homes their last stop was to drop off Charleen. She is a 15 year old young lady who lives with an aunt, but has been basically on her own since the passing of her mom.

Read Scott’s own words describing what happened. “Charleen had a very upset look on her face and seemed like she was not going to get out of the truck. We asked her what was wrong and she would not say anything. I put the windows up and pulled a little down the road and we asked her again what was wrong. She waited a few moments and then started crying. She finally spoke up and told us that three of the girls that were waiting with the big crowd were waiting to beat her up. It turns out that on Wednesday she went to a party and they were drinking alcohol. Charleen refused to drink with them and they told her they would be waiting for her on Sunday. . . . We took her to John’s house and he is going to look after her. However, the situation is very bad because Charleen basically has no one to look after her. Please be praying that this situation will be defused and that our young sister will be safe.”

The words of Jesus so vividly describe what happened. “Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” (John 3:19). Charleen’s light at that party stood in marked contrast to the lives of those around her. The easiest course would have been to go along with what was happening, but it would have been the wrong course. Our lives as Christians seem so easy when compared to Charleen’s.

I’ve never met Charleen, but from thousands of miles away I respect her and admire her faith. She is an example to many, both young and old. Keep her in your prayers!

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