
Beauty on the Beast?

Proverbs 11:22, “As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.” Picture in your mind a gold ring. A ring made of the purest gold. Pretty, isn’t it? Next picture a swine that wallows around in mud, eats garbage, and has a total lack of regard for anything but its own appetites. Now picture that beautiful gold ring in the nose of that pig. Not a pretty picture, is it?  The outward beauty of the ring in the pig’s nose does not outweigh the ugliness of the beast or the filth in which it lives. Gold is out of place in a swine’s nose.

The same can be said for a person’s outward beauty. If their character is ugly, it does not matter how fair they are to look upon. Paul, in 1Tim. 2:9-10, said that women (and men too) are to dress modestly as befitting godliness. Godliness has its own beauty that shines from within and no further amplifying is needed. If a man or woman walks with discretion in the way of the Lord, their inner beauty will be seen in their manner of living.

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