Be Spiritual

Be Spiritual

There is a lot of talk these days of people who claim to be “spiritual” but not “religious.” The problem with this mindset is that Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, declared the spiritual man to be the one who receives the things of the Spirit and brings forth the fruit of the Spirit.

Are you indeed spiritual?

Are you indeed spiritual?

One of the problems in the church at Corinth was division resulting from a lack of love and humility. They were following the preaching styles of men and not the message of Jesus. In chapter two Paul declares that there are “natural” men who do not receive the things of the Spirit and there are “spiritual” men who do. He chastises the Christians at Corinth for being neither, they were not “natural” nor “spiritual,” but “carnal.” Like little spiritual babies, that is, Christians who were acting like “natural” men and not “spiritual” men.

It would do us well to ask ourselves what manner of men are we? We are to be mature, spiritual, and faithful stewards of the spiritual things of God. Our giving, living, and loving should all reflect the fruit of the Spirit: “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, [and] self-control” (Galatians 5:22–23). Be faithful!

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