Are You Worthy of Salvation

Are You Worthy of Salvation

Are we worthy of salvation? There is a sense in which we are and a sense in which we are not. One is not worthy in the sense that he cannot earn his salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). In that sense, one will never be worthy. However, we are worthy in that God paid the price for our salvation. That price was the blood of His Son, and it was high, but God certainly thought that it was worth it, and in that sense, we are worthy (1 Peter 1:18-19). In this sense, when we do what God commands, even under difficult circumstances, he says that we are worthy (Revelation 3:4). And if God says a person is worthy, then he is worthy, even though, that worthiness did not originate from him but from God.Worthy of Salvation

Forgiveness of sins is similar. Romans 4:8 says, “Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin.” If the Lord says, my sins are forgiven, then they are forgiven, even though ultimately, that forgiveness does not originate from me, but God (i.e. I don’t forgive myself). The result is as if I never had any sins to begin with. That doesn’t mean I never sinned, but from the Lord’s perspective, He chooses to see it that way (Colossians 1:22).

I could say that because I have sinned, I am not worthy (Luke 15:21), but the good Father who loves his children says, “Don’t say such things. You are my son. I love you, and I say you are worthy (2 Thessalonians 1:11), not because of what YOU have done, but because of who I AM and what I have done for you.” As far as the Father is concerned, we are worthy, and that’s the final word.

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