Are You Good With Directions?

“I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes
to the Father except through Me”
(John 14:6).

Many in the religious world claim to be Christians, but
the question is, “are they?”  Jesus said that He is
“The Way,” for to obey Him is to do things His way.
He is the only avenue by which one can come to the
Father.  He also said that He is “The Truth,” for it is
impossible for God to lie (Titus 1:2; Heb. 6:18).
Therefore, whatever He tells us to do in order to be
saved we must do or we can never come to the
Father.  Additionally, Jesus said that He is “The Life,”
for only through obedience to the gospel can one be
free from spiritual death. “For the wages of sin is
death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ
Jesus our Lord”
(Rom. 6:23).

The gospel of Christ is like a map: it is the only
means to guide you home, you can completely trust
it, and if you follow it exactly you will live.  Let me
encourage you to FOLLOW THE MAP!

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