“And It Came to Pass”

So what’s your favorite Bible verse or statement? I heard of one person who said his favorite quote from the Bible was, “It came to pass.” When asked to explain this he said, “Can you imagine what life would be like if the Bible said, ‘It came to stay!’” What an interesting concept about life. The phrase “it came to pass” is found 387 times in the Bible, but the Bible also shows that “it did not come to stay.”

We recognize this when it comes to how swiftly life passes. Life may seem to drag on and on to a child, but soon we have an appreciation of how rapid time passes us by. The Bible describes the brevity of life by comparing it to a vapor, like the morning fog that disappears so rapidly (James 4:14); to a messenger who runs to deliver his message (Job 9:25); to a shadow (1 Chron. 29:15); to water poured out on the ground (2 Sam. 14:14);  to a tale that is told (Psalm 90:9) and to grass that withers (1 Peter 1:24). Life truly comes to pass!

Sorrow and tears also come to pass. Does not the Bible talk about God wiping away our tears? God does not forbid sorrow, but He forbids sorrowing like those who have no hope. David’s life had many times of grief and sorrow, but we must not forget that he said, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). The next time the clouds surround you and you are filled with despair, just remember that it came to pass.

Temptation is another thing which comes to pass. Think of how life would be if there were never any relief from those agonizing times when we are tempted to do wrong. Yet how comforting are the words, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).

How wonderful it is to remember that death too comes to pass. While death is certain, so also is the resurrection! How tragic it would be if we were like animals who live and die, and that’s all there is! However, there is the resurrection morning. Death is not permanent but simply a door of transition from time to eternity. Death comes to pass.

There is a sense in which we too come to pass. That is why the Bible describes us as being sojourners who will soon leave this world (1 Peter 2:14). We are travelers and wanderers, who are simply awaiting the call to come home. The older you get, the more you realize this truth.

There will be many things in our lives which temporarily can upset us. Just remember that all these come to pass.

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