America, Hope, and the Valley of Achor

America, Hope, and the Valley of Achor

The parallel between the demise of the Jewish nation as they headed for captivity and the demise in our land is so striking. We know specifically that God had chosen the nation of Israel and brought them into a land flowing with milk and honey. The remarkable history of America and its elevation to being a world power in it such a short time is almost unheard of in world history. We are not God’s chosen nation, but we have been brought into our land of blessings.

Look carefully at how the Jews responded to their blessings. They lived in the abundance He gave to them, but almost immediately forgot about the One who gave them such blessings. Our land was born under the banner being one nation under God. Isn’t it remarkable how our nation is now doing all it can to be one nation out from under God!

As the northern kingdom of Israel was about to be destroyed God sent His messenger, Hosea, to make a final appeal. What was that message? Where could that nation who had left God find in hope of reconciliation? Hear the words of Hosea. “I will give her…the valley of Achor as a door of hope” (Hos. 2:17). The hope of Israel was to be found in a valley that was part of the birth of that nation (Josh. 7).

The young nation of Israel had just captured the city of Jericho as God collapsed the walls of that fortified city. He was with them! The joyful prospect of now conquering the rest of the land with God’s help was within the heart of every Jew. God had promised that land to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and now He was giving it to them. The pagan nations seemed powerless before Him. To the Jews’ amazement, they came to the next city, Ai, and were soundly defeated. What had happened? The answer is found in the valley of Achor.

The nation was not aware that one man had taken some of the spoils of Jericho which had been sanctified as belonging to God and hid them in his tent. The small village of Ai had routed the mighty army of God. Why? Because of the sin of one man. How did God look at that sin? He made it an example for every Jew as they conquered the rest of the land.

What did they do to this man? More importantly, where were they when they dealt with the sin? They stoned that man, Achan, and his entire family. They burned all his possessions and raised a heap of stones as a “memorial” to the importance of dealing with sin. Where was the monument? It was in the valley of Achor (Josh. 7:25-26).

That valley was the only hope Israel had of surviving in Hosea’s day. Their failure to deal with sin was their demise. America has left God. Perhaps it is time we go the valley of Achor and find the only hope we have!

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