All Christians Should Work

All Christians Should Work.  Each member of the congregation is to do all that they are capable of in building up the congregation with the abilities that they possess. There is always a variety of works that need to be done in the functioning of each congregation as it performs its assigned tasks. Some of the works that are available to the Christian in the congregation are:

PRAY, Indeed, there are men selected to lead in the assembly prayers but this does not excuse others from participating in prayer. Not only are we to pray in the assembly but we are to be of a prayerful disposition always.

SING, Do you participate in the song service during the assembly? You should. God desires that all Christians sing with their voice.

GIVING, Do you give, as you should? Christians should give of their money, time, and abilities to build the cause of Christ in the community {1 Cor. 16″1, 2}.

VISIT, Indeed, we should visit as often as we are able to do so. We ought to visit the shut-in, the long term sick ones, the members that are slipping away, etc. {James 1:27; Gal 6:10}

CONVERSE WITH OTHERS, In our conversations with others in the community do we talk up the Congregation? We ought always to speak well of our brethren/sisters in Christ that make up the congregation. We should always be seeking to build up the church where our membership is.

BIBLE CLASSES, Do you do as much in preparing yourself and your children for the Bible classes as you should? Remember the Lord would have each of us to use our knowledge and wisdom in the teaching of others including our family. Are you preparing to become a teacher in one of our classes? It is a good work for any Christian.

GOSPEL MEETINGS, Do you eagerly look forward to and prepare for our meeting in the spring and the fall? You must surely know that this is an excellent time to invite anyone that you know to attend services with you.

ENCOURAGING THE WORKERS, Do you speak encouraging words to those that participate in the work of the congregation?  Have you recently commended the work of the teachers, the song leaders, the families that prepare the communion and clean the building, the men who take care of the lawn and building maintenance, the people that prepare the bulletin by folding, addressing, and mailing it? You can be an encourager to the workers by telling them that they are doing a good job.

BEING KIND, Are you kind and considerate to your brethren/sisters as you interact with them? You may be the light that will cause the difference in a good day or a bad day by your kind actions.

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