Affirming the Faith

Affirming the Faith

There is no way that I can adequately describe the strength, power, hope, and scope, of the spiritual feast of encouragement recently served up – and then so voraciously gobbled up – by all of those blessed enough to be a part of this year’s phenomenal Affirming The Faith seminar in Oklahoma City. It was entitled “Surviving The Tough Stuff” – and it was every inch of that and more. Although Satan has used covid to cause unimaginable damage over the past couple of years (including the cancellation of last year’s ATF seminar), in this case at least, it may have backfired on him; as we seemed to have received a well-concentrated double dose of desperately-needed blessing at this year’s event.

Since our arrival in Oklahoma in 2009, and our subsequently attending our first ATF seminar in the spring of 2010, we have not missed a one – with the exception of last year’s covid-cancelled event. They have all been very good, Biblical, faith-building and spiritually-encouraging events. However, I believe that I can safely say that this year’s event was the best one of all – at least for me personally.The reason for this was the theme (the speakers are always exceptional). It is absolutely impossible to put into words, the immeasurable damage that the last couple of years have produced in our lives in terms of: physical lives lost, spiritual lives lost, and families – both spiritual and biological – ravaged, damaged,and in some cases, nearly destroyed as a direct consequence of covid’s deadly dynamics.

But this year’s event was designed to help promote, provide, and produce sustained spiritual health, healing, well-being and protection,despite covid’s (as well as many other life-problems’) unimaginable devastation. It was meant to be a modern-day balm of Gilead for the lonely, wounded, devastated, isolated, overwhelmed,and heavily burdened and hurting children of the living God (Jer. 8:22, 46:11).

If you have suffered as a result of covid – or anything else whatsoever – over the course of the past couple of years, or even over the course of your entire life; or, if you are perhaps even at this moment laboring, weak and heavy laden, under a burden that is crushing and overwhelming, there is indeed, a balm in Gilead… and this seminar will help not only to point you to it, but will also help you to apply it.

Here’s more great news: You didn’t have to be there to get the medicine! But you will have to listen to get the prescription! Do yourself a favor; listen to the keynotes first. Take notes. Open your Bible. Get the message. Let the healing begin. God bless!


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