Acts 2 You’ve Got the Holy Spirit?

Acts 2 You’ve Got the Holy Spirit?

Acts 2 is an amazing account of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  It starts with the sound of a great rushing wind and visible tongues of fire above the heads of the apostles.  This was the day of Pentecost.  Pentecost (fiftieth day), comes 50 days after the end of the passover.  It originally marked a celebration of harvest for the Israelites.  But this first Pentecost following the death of Jesus and it would forever change the memory of Pentecost.

As Acts 2 plays out, the apostles begin speaking in tongues (different languages understood by others).  The outpouring of the Spirit accompanied by the sounds of the rushing wind and the apostles speaking inspired languages drew many to their location to see what was happening.  The people were amazed, because what they were seeing did not match the uneducated men making proclamation before them.

Peter’s words are recorded by Acts 2 as he describes the significance of what the people were seeing and hearing.  Significantly, he declares this was prophecy from the prophet Joel.  Joel explains that this pouring out of the Holy Spirit would be characterized by prophecy, visions, dreams, wonders, and signs.  Peter in sharing the words of Joel utters the fact that this promise would be available to all levels of human creation – male, female, or servant.

As Peter shares the connection of these things to the life of Jesus, those present, being devout Jews, realized their part in the death of Jesus.  Their hearts are condemned over their sin.  In earnestness they ask the apostles, “What shall we do?”.  Of course, Peter tells those present what is needed for their salvation.  They have heard the message.  They believe and understand Jesus is their Lord.  Peter calls for their action and upon obedience they are added to the Church by God.

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