A World of Distractions

A World of Distractions

We live in a world of distractions. Cell phones, television, romance novels, fantasy movies, electronic games, online videos, and many other diversions frequently shift our attention from where our focus should be. To be fair, not all distraction is bad. Sometimes we need distraction to rest our bodies, minds, and spirits from periods of intense work. Distractions may be unrelated to entertainment. We can be distracted by problems: at work, at home, financially, emotionally, physically.squirrel distraction

Distractions are problematic when they interrupt, delay, or prevent what is important; when we substitute the distraction for what is real;or when we cease focusing on what we need to be concerned about immediately. When we are driving, distractions are dangerous and deadly. When we are working, distractions create loss of productivity, delays in production schedules, and decreased income. When we are worshiping, distractions result in formalism, pharisaism, and heartlessness toward God (Matthew 15:9), which is not what Jesus wants.

How do we manage our distractions? First, we must have the right values. When we value the wrong things, we will be lured by distractions to do the wrong thing. Right values come from God’s word (Matthew 4:4). Prioritizing these values will reduce distractions (Matthew 6:33). Second, we must focus on others instead of self (Philippians 2:1-4). When we are just trying to entertain self, distractions become the main focus. Investing time in other people means we are not just thinking about self. Third, we need self-control and discipline (1 Corinthians 9:27). When we cannot control our behavior, we pursue distraction. When we have no discipline, distractions take over. Finally, we must spend time in Bible study and prayer (1 Thess.5:16-22). These daily activities will help us in all of the above.

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