A Memorial Not Easily Forgotten

I was in a city a couple of years ago, just a little ways away from our home, getting the vehicle worked on. And, while I was there, desperately wanting to drive away because we rarely like to just sit and wait on things, there was a great commotion in the showroom area. When I quieted myself and my thoughts, I could hear the frustrations of many people about what was going on outside. As I lifted my eyes to see what was happening, I noticed people lining the streets with signs in their hands. As I inquired a bit further, it seems that a very young man had went to war only to come back a few weeks later, deceased. It certainly was sad to hear this news, but that is not what saddened me. As I watched police car after police car with lights a flashing and American flags attached to just about everything I saw, there were also ones who were protesting just because this man was being honored for helping to keep his country a free country.

In like manner, I couldn’t help but to think of our Lord. As he was being led to the hill of Golgatha (Jn. 19:17), there were many who were there to see Jesus, some perhaps who he healed, some who had left all to follow him (Ma2. 27:56; Jn. 19:38–‐39), some to help Him when he stumbled and some there to see if He was the Son of God. While they were there seeing our Lord standing in our place for sin, fighting for us to be free (1 Jn. 3:16), there was also many who were picketing and bad mouthing our Savior (Lk. 23:21, 36; Ma2. 27:29–‐31; ). Oh, the things He endured and the roar of the crowd must have been difficult to hear. Yet, he died to set us free.

When we think about honor, Jesus said that prophets were not honored in their own country (Jn. 4:44), which also included Himself. In fact, He also said that there were some who claimed to honor Him, but by their hearts, they were found liars (Ma2. 15:8). Peter said that we are to honor Christ (1 Pet. 1:7), wives (1 Pet. 3:7) and all men (1 Pet. 2:17). Paul said that elders (1 Tim. 5:17), widows (1 Tim. 5:3) and mothers and fathers (Eph. 6:2) are to all be honored. And then he said in Rom. 13:7, that we extend honour to whom honour is due. This word honor is the Greek word “timen” and it means that there is a value by which the price is fixed meaning, someone paid the price for a person or thing and therefore, they are valuable. To the soldier who went down those cities streets, there was honor due him because he paid the price for us.

To King Jesus the Christ, who went down those streets in Jerusalem, there was honor due Him because he paid the price for us. Thus, it is certainly tragic when people rise up against those who deserve honor. With Jesus, the mob ignorantly cried out for God to hold them responsible for the death of Christ. And, it saddens me that so many people do not know what they are really saying when they dishonor another as I saw on that day in the streets. Oh, how unjust people can be. How savage the human spirit has become. It is this type of ignorant spirit that will not come to God, they will not see the suffering Savior because they turn their backs on His memorial. It is sad when people turn their backs on others instead of recognizing and remembering why they did what they did. And, this includes not only the Christ who made us free, but is extended to all the men and women who have given us a country where we can worship God freely. This will certainly be a memorial not easily forgotten.

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