A Day to Remember

A Day to Remember

Soon, we celebrate the annual Memorial Day holiday. It is a time when most people get together to kick off summer with outdoor cookouts and relaxation. The holiday is designed, however, for us to remember those who have given their lives in military service to our country. We remember that freedom is not free; it cost the blood of men and women who were willing to give up their lives in place of ours for the defense of our nation. It is good to remember such sacrifices because it helps us recognize the dependence we have on other people for our safety. We remember to honor those who have fallen. We remember to learn the value of freedom.

While we enjoy physical well-being and freedom because of the sacrifices of others, our spiritual well-being and freedom are far more important. One may be physically well and free, but spiritually sick and enslaved. Like physical wellness and freedom, there was One who died so that we might be spiritually well and free. His name was Jesus, and we memorialize Him every first day of the week when we partake of the Lord’s Supper. Physical wellness and freedom will end one day. However, that does not mean that we can’t have spiritual well-being and freedom forever; we can! How is this possible? When we put our faith and trust in Jesus and His plan for our salvation and faithfulness, he promises us things that are much more valuable: peace, love, joy, goodness, mercy, grace, faith. Here is true well-being and freedom because we are not sick with sin and enslaved by its consequences. Jesus said, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).


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