A Challenge – Choose Just One

Every now and then you run across an article which is so simple, yet so profound, it changes how you look at life. Neal Pollard, who spoke on our lectureship two years ago, recently took a look at resolutions Christians should consider for the new year. Look at his suggestions.

  • Bring just one non-Christian to church services with you.
  • Focus on one quality in the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control—Gal. 5:22-23) where you most need to grow and work on it throughout the year.
  • Focus on one quality among the beatitudes (Matt. 5:3-12) that you need to incorporate to be more like Jesus.
  • Mend fences and build bridges with one person with whom you are at odds.
  • Find at least one way to be involved in the church’s work (options include visiting those who come to our services, those hospitalized, those in nursing homes, shut-ins, transporting those in need to services, assisting in Bible studies, teaching a class, volunteer with the youth, serving at dinners, etc.).
  • Spend time this year trying to master just one Old Testament book and one New Testament book.
  • Share your home by inviting just one new family every month.
  • Increase the amount you give to God this year by at least one percent.
  • Help your family “adopt” just one shut-in and make their life happy in 2008.
  • Spend at least one more hour each day with your family—choose board games over TV, plan activities that allow quality time with them.
  • Go on at least one date with your spouse each month, more if you don’t have children.
  • Enrich your prayer life by expressing more gratitude to God, and praying specifically for certain people—the lost, elders, deacons, enemies, etc.
  • Find a way to offer heartfelt, helpful encouragement to at least one person a week.
  • I challenge you to look at his list and then choose just one of them and make it a reality!
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